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About Us

Empower Business with
AI-driven Solution

Dyna.Ai is a leading artificial intelligence
technology service company headquartered in Singapore.
We are dedicated to improving the
efficiency and effectiveness of audience
operations and risk
management by leveraging
systems, analytics, and AI-based operation

Our focus is to leverage cutting-edge AI
techniques to foster business digitalization and
intelligentization. A wide range of institutions are
served, including traditional banks, digital banks,
fintech companies, insurance firms, and various
other types of organizations.




Global offices



< 500ms

Response time

Our Mission

Empower Work, Enrich Life

We are dedicated to realizing the transformative potential of artificial intelligence to empower work, enrich life, and shape a better future for all. With a steadfast commitment to innovation and collaboration, we strive to bring dynamic AI to the world, revolutionizing how we live, work, and interact in the digital age.


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    Tomas Skoumal

    & Co-President

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    Carlton Liew

    Chief Business Officer & Co-President

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    Ben Koo

    Vice President, Industrial Solution

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    Dr.Carson So

    Head of Al Algorithms and Deep-tech Research

Unlock opportunities with our global team

We go wherever our clients grow. With headquarters in Singapore and key offices from the UAE to Mexico, we have a global team and located around the world.

Ready to get started?